Flight of the Last Starfight in Paris (whyCarly Crossover)

If you listen to VTAN and for whatever reason aren’t already aware, Kyle and Josh host a second podcast all about the acclaimed Nickelodeon show iCarly. 

Today’s VTAN started off as an episode of whyCarly, but the boys ended up getting way off track and started talking about The Last Starfighter, The Flight of the Navigator, the infamous “butter scene” in Last Tango in Paris and a pornographic prequel to the classic cartoon show, Rugrats.

There was no other option  than to release it here on The VTAN Podcast where such topics are just par for the course.

This special episode of VTAN is the perfect gateway drug into whyCarly because it’ll show you that an appreciation (or even a cursory knowledge) of iCarly isn’t necessary to enjoy a podcast about two grown men watching a kid’s show.

You can subscribe on iTunes or follow on Twitter @whyCarlyPod

Comic-Con Roundup!

After a long absence, Josh and Kyle ARE BACK!!!

This time, aside from getting lost in crazy tangents about 50 Shades of Grey, Donald Trump and Family Matters, they’re chattin’ about 3 things.

1) Star Wars Se7en

2) Batman 5 Superman, and

3) Suicide Squad.

Hear all the news from Comic-Con and find out what the VTAN boys are excited about, what they think looks dumb, and what gave Josh the weirdest boner.


whyCarly?: An Experiment

For those stalwart few devoted listeners of the VTAN Podcast who are wondering why it’s been so long since we’ve released a new episode, prepare for some exciting news.

We’re not gone. We’ve just been busy preparing our newest endeavor.

On July 1st (that’s Canada Day to the international crowd) we will be launching our new iCarly appreciation podcast whyCarly at whyCarly.Rocks


I’m sure a lot of you are asking yourselves, “Why Carly?” and the answer is simple.

iCarly, a show that ran for 109 episodes (or 107 depending on who you ask) from 2007-2012 is a Nickelodeon show that was aimed at tween girls.

It is also (along with The Simpsons, Battlestar Galactica, Community and Frasier) one of my Top 5 Favourite shows of all time.

Listeners of the podcast will have heard me talk about it before and you almost certainly have heard Kyle make fun of me mercilessly for it.

That’s the point of this new podcast. To show my best friend and co-host Kyle the value of a seemingly innocuous kid’s show and to try to get him to change his mind. To convert him, as it were, into an iCarly fan.

Look for us on iTunes this Canada Day and follow us on twitter @whyCarlyPod